Famous Myths and Legends of the World

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Titles in this series:

Myths and Legends of Africa
Myths and Legends of Africa
Myths and Legends of Ancient Britain and Ireland
Myths and Legends of Ancient Britain and Ireland
Myths and Legends of Ancient Egypt
Myths and Legends of Ancient Egypt
Myths and Legends of Ancient Greece
Myths and Legends of Ancient Greece
Myths and Legends of Ancient Rome
Myths and Legends of Ancient Rome
Myths and Legends of Australia, New Zealand, and Pacific Islands
Myths and Legends of Australia, New Zealand, and Pacific Islands
Myths and Legends of Central and South America
Myths and Legends of Central and South America
Myths and Legends of China
Myths and Legends of China
Myths and Legends of North America: Canada and Northern United States
Myths and Legends of North America: Canada and Northern United States
Myths and Legends of North America: Southwestern United States and Mexico
Myths and Legends of North America: Southwestern United States and Mexico
Myths and Legends of Scandinavia
Myths and Legends of Scandinavia
Myths and Legends of South Asia and Southeast Asia
Myths and Legends of South Asia and Southeast Asia
Famous Myths and Legends of the World
Each volume in the series is packed with some of history’s most famous myths and legends. From cultures around the globe, these tales reveal the imagination, creativity, and insight of those who originally constructed and shared them. The captivating stories are written in an engaging, accessible style to encourage classroom dialogue about how stories were told before they were documented, and how meaningful the stories remain today.